How much should I expect to pay for a website?
It depends on what kind of website you are trying to create. We determine our costs on a case to case basis. Depending on your needs, each specific requirement will take different amounts of time and resources to complete, thus, they will have different prices.

I don't know what CMS means, how will I know if I will need this?
CMS (Content Management System) is a type of application that allows making changes to the web site without knowledge of HTML or any other coding languages. So for example, if you have an E-Commerce Website, having a CMS will enable you to make product listings updates, update your product stock and send Newsletters about your products. Also, if you are a musician that needs to update your music Library, or an artist, that needs to update your paintings, having a CMS system will enable you to stay on top of your changes. All updates to the web site can be handled by a single person through a backend interface with just a few mouse clicks. Unlimited amount of pages and categories, WYSIWYG editor and integration with any design are just a few things to mention.
I just need business cards & a logo. Do you do that as well?
Of course, we design business cards, brochures, postcards, logos and many more marketing materials.
This leads into the second most asked question, how long does a website take to make?
This also depends on the size and complexity of the project. On average, a website can take around 4-6 weeks. It is important to keep in mind that you are also a very necessary part of the equation. We work with you to get as much input and feedback as possible so that we can complete your project in the most timely manner.
Since I am not computer savvy or know a lot of technical terms how will I know what services I might need?
Not a problem, we are happy to explain all the different types of services and types of web designs we offer to help you decide what will work best with your individual needs. Some of our clients know exactly what they want, while others like to find out about all of the options and services before deciding. Either way, we are happy to offer solutions to help make your goals happen.
Do you offer CMS (Content Management System)?
Yes. Unlike many other web design companies, we have the advantage of having built our own platform which allows us custom build each CMS. We’ve been constantly improving and polishing our CMS for the past 8 years. Since each project has unique requirements our system evolves with every new client. No matter how large or small your web site is - Slo Digital Designs CMS will provide fast and reliable operation for years to come.